Wednesday, March 25, 2009

All My Sons’ Tips to Move Plants

When moving to a new home, people usually think of the following: Packing clothes, photo albums, important paperwork, fine china, notifying the post office and electricity provider of their change of address and so on. But there are things most people don’t put too much thought into, like, for example, how to pack house plants. Do we pack them in tall boxes? Do we put them in our personal cars on the day of the move instead of the moving truck? Or do we simply leave them behind? All My Sons Moving and Storage of Austin has a few tips on how to move house plants. If it’s a short move, there’s usually no problem with putting them on the moving truck. As long as the weather is not over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or below 30 degrees Fahrenheit, which isn’t in most cases. If the move is a long distance drive that will take a few days, you might want to pack them into your own car so you can actually water them while on the road. If that’s not a possibility either because you have no place in your car or for any other reason, make sure that the soil is extra moist before the movers load them up onto the truck.

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